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115 Queen St Brisbane

Leasing opportunities 

115 Queen St Brisbane Qld
115 Queen St Brisbane Ideal kiosk
115 Queen St Brisbane Ground Floor

Level 4
only avaliable

115 Queen Street Brisbane Level 2
Queen Street Mall Brisbane
Queen Street Mall Brisbane
Queen Street Mall Brisbane
Queen Street Mall Brisbane
Queen Street Mall Brisbane
Queen Street Mall Brisbane
Queen Street Mall Brisbane
Queen Street Mall Brisbane
Queen Street Mall Brisbane

The Queen Street Mall is a vibrant shopping and lifestyle precinct that lies at the heart of Brisbane City and is Australia's most popular pedestrian mall, playing host to more than 26 million visitors a year.
The mall offers an unrivalled mix of local, national and international labels and flagship stores. More than 700 retailers have made their homes here – many enjoy mall and street frontage, others are tucked away inside world-class centres and heritage-listed arcades. Must-visits include the sparkling high-end QueensPlazaWintergarden with its diverse range of retailers, the magnificent and historically significant Brisbane Arcade and Tattersall's Arcade, the convenient MacArthur Central and the ever-popular The Myer Centre.


The Queen Street Mall is not merely the state's shopping hotspot, it is also Brisbane's heart – the place you head with friends and family if it's fun and entertainment you seek. More than 1,000 events take place throughout the mall each year, buskers take over the streets on a daily basis and The City Sounds fills the air with music on Friday nights and weekends. In addition, there is an Event Cinema, countless eateries, a farmers market, beauty salons, the Treasury Casino and Hotel, a Hilton Hotel and NEXT Hotel that all take pride of place on the mall. And parklandsmuseums, galleries, cafes, day spasrestaurants and bars are all within walking distance from the mall. 
The Queen Street Mall truly is Queensland’s premier shopping and entertainment destination. 

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